Jian couldn’t resist a good beard. A medium stubble got his attention and a full beard turned him on. A good beard though, to him, was not a goatee or mutton chops. Even Hugh Jackman couldn’t make mutton chops attractive. And he hated the Dutch beard with a passion. Luckily one rarely sees the Dutch…More
Category Archives: stories
My mom’s birthday cake
Over the years, I’ve gradually forgotten many things, but I always remember the incident about my mother’s birthday cake. At that time, I was in high school. It was just after the Chinese New Year, and my father was also at home. My parents, younger brother, and I were living in a rental house close…More
这么多年很多事情我都慢慢忘记了,但那件关于我妈妈的生日蛋糕的事情我始终记得。那时候我读高中,因为刚过年我爸也在家,我和爸妈以及弟弟那时在离学校很近的那个出租屋里。我爸出门给我妈买了一个生日蛋糕,我还记得那个蛋糕的样子(吃生日蛋糕不是我家传统,那次应该也是第一次)。我妈却不肯吃,说我爸是浪费钱。我爸,我和我弟劝了她很久,她就是不肯吃。我当时其实觉得有点荒诞… 已经买了你不吃又不能退。劝了好久无效后,于是我们决定我和我弟开始吃。其实我还是觉得她会改变想法加入我们的,但并没有。那个为她买的蛋糕她自始至终一口都没吃。那个蛋糕其实很好吃,但却是我吃得最难受的一次。这件事几乎成了我的一部分。舍不得花钱。抠。对没钱的焦虑。 其实没钱真的不代表无法享受生活。有些母亲可能就会笑着一起和她的孩子们吃蛋糕,即使她的心里也想着那是种浪费。很多农村母亲在吃饭的时候只吃一道菜的素菜,把肉都给孩子。这种爱举其实在告诉孩子我们家穷到吃不起肉,能吃的都给你了,这给孩子很大压力和很负面的心理影响。要是我的话,我会跟孩子一起开心吃肉。 但是,你可能也发现了,从某种意义上讲我这是在要求农村的母亲们要更加贤惠,想让她们更能假装一些,更懂培养孩子一些。这种要求是对她们这个本来对自己命运就很难把控的群体的极其刻薄的要求。这个世界有很多值得指责,但绝非她们。 很多人谈原生家庭对自己的影响以及自己如何花多少年慢慢疗伤,也许在某天,我们也能疗疗她们的伤,因为我觉得她们也许比我们更伤痕累累。More
He says he’s a free spirit
He says he’s a free spirit Once I was one tooWhen I was very very littleWhen I knew very little Carefree, runningAlong the rice fieldsRacing over the hillChasing butterflies Tired, I lay down on the soft grassListening to theRough vocals of cicadasGentle rustling of the leaves dancing under the bright sun Feeling The breeze kissing my…More